First sighting of Saturn, 2nd Jan 2012

Conditions : partially cloudy, windy.
Observed from approx 6.15am to 7am

Saturn positioned in Virgo, north-east of Spica.  Appeared to be brighter than Spica (which is magnitude 0.98).  Subsequent reference shows Saturn to currently be brighter at mag 0.7.

@x40, Saturn first appears to show as an out of focus disc, but as the eyes adjust it becomes clear that this is due to the rings which are clearly visible.

@x100, the rings are very clear and sharp, the planet a bright cream to yellow colour, and a darker banding across the north side of the planet becomes visible.  The rings are passing over Saturn at the south, and behind at the north, tilting down and towards Earth from north to south.

@x200, the northern equatorial band is more visible, and the rings can be seen passing over the front face of the planet, on the southern side.  They are clearly seen to widen at the sides, due to effect of perspective.  Where the rings pass behind Saturn at the north east (only), there appears to be a dark gap between the rings and the planet.  Is Saturn slightly in shadow here?  It is possible that the Cassini division in the rings is visible as a dark ring towards the edge of the rings.

@x312 the view becomes less sharp, due to effect of seeing, but the band at the north is still visible.